We are grateful to the following organisations for their support that has helped make Share Shed Bassendean possible.

The Share Shed was fortunate to be supported by the Waste Authority of Western Australia's 2021 Waste Sorted grant program which provided funding for the initial storage fit-out and foundational equipment inventory. Wherever possible grant funding was used to source second hand items to reduce costs and in alignment with our ethos and the waste heirarchy.
We have been announced as recipients of a grant from the Keep Australia Beautiful Council's 2022 Community Litter Grant Program that will be used to fund reusable decorations and party kits with the aim of reducing single use decorations and disposable party items that often end up as litter or in landfill.
We are thankful for the support from the Town of Bassendean in providing us with storage space in their Youth Services Centre. Space is currently a limiting factor and we would love to explore other storage options.
We also greatly appreciate the thoughtful donations of equipment made by many members of our local community and especially to our wonderful volunteers for giving so generously of their resources, skills and time for the benefit of their community and the planet.