Who can join Share Shed Bassendean?
One of the Share Shed's aims is to build a strong, connected community. Anyone can join the Share Shed, but if you live outside the Town of Bassendean (which includes the suburbs of Bassendean, Ashfield and Eden Hill) we do ask you to volunteer at one of our busy bee sessions at least once every four months so that you can become part of our community.
How much does it cost to join?
The Share Shed launched on July 1 2022 and membership is currently free. However, in order to be sustainable and allow us to cover ongoing costs such as insurance, replacement of equipment and consumables we may introduce a small membership fee in future. We are very conscious of not wanting anyone to be excluded as a result of limited finances.
How much does it cost to borrow an item?
Once you have signed up you can borrow items free of charge. We want to build a culture of trust and respect and know that most members will do the right thing and return their borrowed items so that the rest of the community can also enjoy them.
What happens if my item gets broken?
We expect that members will take good care of the loan equipment but do understand that accidents can sometimes happen. If an item is damaged please contact Share Shed as soon as possible so that anyone who has the item reserved can be notified in advance. If a member consistently does not look after the equipment the Share Shed committee reserves the right to suspend their membership and seek compensation from the individual to cover the cost of replacement.
What if I don't know how to use the equipment?
While some of our volunteers may have specific knowledge about the item you are borrowing, you cannot rely upon volunteers for advice or instruction. If you are not familiar with a certain piece of equipment it is recommended that you not borrow it. Wherever possible a user manual for loan equipment is available online or in hardcopy. You are always encouraged to read the manual and don any required personal protective equipment before using any Share Shed equipment.
Where does the equipment come from?
The Share Shed was fortunate to be supported by the Waste Authority of WA's Waste Sorted grant program with funding for the initial storage fit-out and foundational equipment inventory. Wherever possible we source second hand items to reduce costs and in line with our ethos.
We have also received a grant from the Keep Australia Beautiful Council's Community Litter Grant Program to fund reusable decorations and party kits.
We are grateful for donations of high quality, second hand equipment that is in a good, clean condition. Please get in touch if you have something you'd like to donate.
We are also thankful for any offers of financial donations and sponsorship.